Friday, March 19, 2010

Being Good Mannered

Being Good Mannered.

Have you ever noticed your back when you are exiting a doorway and the door just slams shut behind you?
Very often this happens and we fail to notice this.
Just imagine somebody coming behind you and the door swings back at him/her and he/she has to duck from the door slamming against his/her face.
This is the simplest care one needs to take whilst going through the door.
Next time stop before leaving the door and see behind you, if there is somebody approaching, spend few moments to keep the door open so that the person behind you would go through the door comfortably. See the smile on his face; it would speak volumes about his gratitude that you cared for him.
In our workplace Managers often criticize the sub ordinates and find fault with the work done.
If they care then they ought to also sing praise for the good work done by them.
The moment you do this the guy becomes happy and he goes back with greater enthusiasm and probably would do even better.
Take the case of the security guard at the entrance of the building or office, he is a human being and is doing the job of guarding your installations. Have we ever greeted him, next time do it.
There are theories in management which profess that Motivation keeps people going.
Motivation is nothing but appreciating somebody’s work and urging him to do well.
This is all about good manners.
We as managers should practice being good to our colleagues. The human approach to the work front changes the atmosphere and brings a joy in our workplace. Basically people are conscious about what they do, and who would not want to do things right. Seldom things go wrong either due to factors beyond one’s control and or due to negligence. One has to be prudent in identifying the reasons for a fault or mistake and then evaluates the performance. Very often our emotions get carried away and we tend to get angry and the outcome is abuse. This should be avoided as this would hurt the guy who has committed the mistake.
Human beings are sentimental and they need to be respected for their contributions to the work done by them. If we analyze the failures and dissect the reason and coach the guy who has done wrong this would go a long way to establish a good workplace.
Doing right the first time is propagated as error free method of work, zero defects is a name given to things where every time the work done is correct. Else there is another measure Six Sigma where the errors are measured and should not exceed 6 times in one million incidents of work.
All this has the same message do right the first time.
In order to achieve this motivate people, be sensitive to them, be a coach and not a criticizing manager.