Friday, November 15, 2013

It’s never too late to fight it out in life.

One has heard stories of people fighting against all odds in life.
Life is precious and it should not be wasted.
Whatever may be the problems, they are not insurmountable .
If one observes that life is not at all easy for all of us.
Everybody is struggling and makings two ends meet.
It’s our duty to find meaning in life.
When you fail in life then we ought to tell ourselves that we did not fail, but our success is postponed.
Remember there is an opportunity to do our work better today than yesterday.
One should not focus on problems, but focus on solutions.
There is an old saying that ‘’ If one wants to walk quick, then walk alone, and if one wants to walk far then walk together.

A person who is negative thinks that Half filled glass is half empty whereas a positive person feels the same glass is half full.


debanjan™ said...

fitting piece from the person who still has a 'never say die attitude'....

Ananth Iyer said...

thanks,isnt that what life is all about.there would be problems but we have to face them.