Saturday, February 27, 2010

World Printer's Day

World Printer’s Day:
I happened to give a talk on World Printer’s Day on 24.02.10 at a College in Mumbai.

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to be in your midst.
Today is World Printers Day.
What would have happened to this world if John Guttenburg had not invented the Art of Printing?
Everyday along with our breakfast we look forward for our Newspapers in the morning.
There are numerous people behind this to make it happen.
Also we enjoy reading our Popular Magazines every week, fortnight, or monthly.
The Magazines and Newspapers give us wealth of information.
The world has become very small and whatever happens in one corner of the world is reported in the next day’s newspapers.
We keep ourselves abreast with current affairs, new happenings, developments etc thro the print medium.
Printing also gives immense help in the field of education, without books we could not have pursued our studies.
No doubt today in the world of Electronic Media, News has become instantaneous, and one gets to see the happenings around the globe in a matter of few minutes.
Despite the Electronic media taking giant strides, the Print industry has not shown any Decline in its importance to world community.
Print would always be there as the reach by television is not as much as print.
If one goes to the countryside, you can see that people read newspapers but hardly they have the means to possess a TV.
The Printing Industry is a fine example of Teamwork.
The Prepress, Editorial and Marketing people rally together to generate the contents.
The Printing Press churns out the Magazines, books and Newspapers.
The gamut of colours what you see is reproduced by combination of basically 4 Colours in an Offset Machine.
The development of printing industry is very interesting.
Initially we had Sheet Fed Presses, and then came the need for Mass Production so Webs were invented.
The Webs are high-speed machines and they produce 16,32,64 pages depending on the width of the cylinders used. The speeds are mind boggling latest presses can print at 80000 plus speeds.
Everything is automatic like Registration,Web Alignment, inking is remote controlled.
Take the case of Newspapers these are high speed machines with multiple webs and they are able to deliver the complete set of Newspapers with 32 Pages in one shot at speeds of 80000 per hour.
All this is fine, Printing Machines are high Tech, and needs very high investment, it is a capital intensive industry and hence needs huge capital to start.
There is a great challenge ahead for all you youngsters sitting here.
You are the Change agents for future.
Make best use of your time in your college; learn as much as possible now, as it is an opportunity given to you by your parents to learn.
In your colleges you learn the basics about your subject and also you get an opportunity to imbibe the culture of your institution and also learn from your peers, teachers and friends.
Remember what you learn here would enable you to develop new things in future.
Education is not about only about passing exams but it is a development of ones skills for future.
Always have a Goal in life.
You need to have a Vision and Action.
Vision without Action is a Dream, Action without a vision is waste of time, only Vision with Proper Actions can make things happen.
Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon would make things happen.
Remember :
If it is to be it is upto me.
I wish all of you a great academic career and also would like to wish your Institution all the best in their efforts to impart education to the community.


Directionless Wanderer said...

good speech dad .... although, I could have improved it a lot :P .... how was the speech received? And as the chief guest, what else did you do?

Ananth Iyer said...

Thanks Rajiv for your comments.Apart from the speech, i was a judge for five paper presentation of seven minutes each by students.I had to rate them.

Sunil said...

Nicely writen about Printing Industry.
'Printing'is a part of 'life'.
Without printing we can't survive. Even in todays electronic media everybody wants/eger to read news paper/magazines whenever they get time. Now a days people are so busy in their routine work, they don't get time to watch TV.Hence to get update with current affaires, they are reading magazines or newspaper while they are on the way to office or at home. In current age of Electronic Media everybody wants to keep their records updated by filling a copy/xerox. This is also a type of printing. Hence 'Printing' is always alive. Printing Industry never dies.
"Printing" is a part of "Life".